Reserve Liquidity
Reserve Liquidity from future
This can be called by the user directly, it uses msg.sender context. Users share would be burned and they will receive the V3 AMM fees upto this point.
Name | Type | Description |
| The data required for reserving liquidity. |
Type | Description |
| The number of shares burned. |
The `_reserveLiquidityParam
` parameter has to be constructed the following way:
BurnPositionParams Struct
Field Name | Type | Description |
pool | IUniswapV3Pool | The Uniswap V3 pool contract |
hook | address | The address of the hook contract |
tickLower | int24 | The lower tick of the position |
tickUpper | int24 | The upper tick of the position |
shares | uint128 | The amount of shares to burn |
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